Sales Development Lead & Appointment Generation

Your field sales team will confirm that over the last three to five years in particular, your customer markets have changed! Competition has increased and become fiercer, sales have become harder to convert, lead-times have extended, more hoops are required to be jumped, cost squeezing is frequent and new project decision-making has become quite political – often seeming like there are too many fingers in the pie. A lot of our clients also say how difficult it can be sometimes, whilst trying to make contact with their own existing customers, as a result of leaner operations and more demands set upon them to run process operations, factories, engineering plants, warehouses and their supply-chain.

Overall there seem to be more hurdles, challenges and pressures these days for field sales teams, whilst in pursuit of new and existing customers.
Support is needed! Time for a Rethink!

Taking these factors into account, this is now influencing many organisations to proactively address the ‘PRE-SALES’ element of their business as a top priority. Ten years ago, we associated the pre-sales side of a business as being the Marketing department, however, these days many organisations have recognised the need to implement an external demand generation telemarketing services company, as an intermediate support team between marketing and field-sales. This new integral part of their operation provides regular fuel injection, throughout every month of the year, therefore consistently driving the sales development support mechanism. This will help organisations like yours to achieve sustained lead-appointment generation output, feeding your field-sales force with momentum to increase quotations, new orders and achieving encouraging levels of business growth; thus eliminating annual feast or famine seasons.

A salesman’s place is in front of the prospect opposed to being sat at a desk using a telephone and carrying out their own cold-calling in an attempt to build & nurture pipeline and also generate sales lead appointments.

We understand the challenge and difficulty that your organisation is up against to identify new suitable prospects within your target customer industry sectors. This requires a great investment and commitment of time, sales & marketing budget resources, as well as smart decision making and business ingenuity; always trying to achieve the edge on your competition.

As the saying goes, “there is never a quick route to the prize”.

By utilising the right external demand generation telemarketing services company, with relevant accredited experience, this will provide your organisation with a great advantage and play a major contribution towards the success and growth of your business.

MBD understand this sales cycle and selling philosophy. By utilising MBD’s services on a sustained annual basis, we can help your organisation achieve your objectives and sales targets far quicker.