Concept Selling / Benefit Selling:

Create the need, Create pull, Demand Generation..

Similarly based around utilising telemarketing and sales development lead- appointment generation techniques, however, also using the sales call to open up intelligent discussions with decision makers, so that we can raise awareness of the benefits, cost-savings and ROI Return On Investment of your products/services/solutions and efficient suitability for the prospects operation.

The core objectives and deliverables of Concept Selling are to improve the prospects operation/OEE/efficiency and uptime. Also reducing labour costs and increasing their profitability.

The whole philosophy of concept selling is to reach a new level of prospective customer, whom may not have been aware of the benefits of your products and services, prior to our telephone call engagement with them. These kinds of prospects are in abundance within your target industries, yet they are often unaware of how beneficial your products and services could be for their operation.

It is likely that your company is already aware of this untapped abyss, yet naturally found it quite timely and specialist in allotting field sales team time to investigate the market place to identify prospects of this criterion and calibre.

MBD’s key strengths revolve around this technical concept selling ability to help drive up business for our clients in this manner, no matter what your industry is or the complexity of your products, services and solutions.

Concept selling and benefit selling are commonly based around the following principal drivers:-

  • Automating, implementing lean-architecture, improving and streamlining a business process
  • Reducing labour and associated operational costs
  • Implementing fail-safe or integrity systems for the operation to eliminate problems down the line
  • Optimising total quality, total efficiency and/or OEE within an operational business model
  • Alleviating process headaches, intricate reporting procedures and unreliable paper-based systems
  • Cost effective techniques to increase productivity and profitability – whilst using the same or less head-count
  • Government legislation or targets to comply with – environmental or sustainability issues effecting the their organisation
  • Process or continuous improvements – quality standards, initiatives for excellence
  • Improvements to alleviate costs and pressures put on their operation due to customer demands
  • Business improvement knock-on-effect to increase customer satisfaction and retention
  • Competitive & strategic advantage
  • Improving overall operational business efficiency